If My Life Depended on How I Wrapped Presents

For all the things I’ve done in my life, and all the things I’m capable, one of the most basic continues to elude me.  I’m talking about wrapping presents.  For me, there are only a few criteria.  The first is that I use Wrapping Paper.  The second, that you can’t see the underlying item or box.  The third, it can be transported from the point of wrapping to the place of choosing for opening.  To that end, I continue to slaughter the beauty of the Christmas scene.  My wife’s family excels at making beautiful gifts.  They’re works of art.  Ribbon, bows, flashy paper.  I’m using the same roll for several years because it was cheap and I don’t want to get out another.  I can get the paper out in sufficient amounts to cover the whole gift, and of the three I wrapped last night, I only had to use a patch piece for one.  I probably need more space, but I don’t think that would solve the issue.  My lines look like something that you could cut a tree down with.  Tape is the saving item.  I never understood the use of ribbon.  I should do like my wife for birthday’s, and just shift to re -gifting the bags with a bit of fancy paper.  They say it’s the thought that counts, and I’m probably over thinking it.  If my life depend on how I wrapped presents, I’m dead meat.